Award-winning Animal Care

Animal care and health are at the top of our priorities. This means a natural, social and stress-free environment, a boosting diet and a certified organic farm.

Not only is this ideal for the animals, but also for our clients: Healthy, stress-free animals have strong, alert immune systems which in turn create good yields in antibody production.

Capra Science has received recognition by the industry and authorities on multiple occasions for our dedication to animal care.

It matters that we are located in Sweden, with some of the strictest regulations worldwide on animal keeping, ethics and environment.

Our aim: To set a new standard

We don’t just meet the strict Swedish regulations and EU Directive 2010/63/EU – we go beyond them. Our vision is to set a new standard for animal care and contribute globally to an improved animal welfare within the antibody industry.

As a general guideline, we apply the Three Rs (3Rs) created by Russel and Burch in 1959. The idea behind 3Rs is that laboratory animals should be Reduced in number whenever possible, and methods should be Refined to enhance animal welfare or Replaced with in vitro-methods (for example cell culture) whenever possible. 

Visit our organic farm

Meet our goats

We breed our own goats to recruit new blood donors for antibody production. This way, we can select the most suitable individuals for breeding. The goats graze the fields the greater part of the year. During winter, they find shelter in spacious social environments. 

Our goat herd has a special place in my heart, as they were the first ones to be welcomed to our organically run farm. These wonderful creatures are curious, funny, social and really clever.
— Lovisa Hessle Bergman, Founder and Director

Meet our alpacas

Our alpacas graze the fields all year, always in groups, and they have access to weather shelters in conjunction to their pastures. Their wool is cut every spring. We have our own breeding of alpacas.

Our beautiful alpacas and the way they communicate and interact with each other within the herd is a bliss to watch. Similar to cats, they have grace, integrity and there is a cool calmness about them.
— Lovisa Hessle Bergman, Founder and Director

Meet our rabbits

All rabbits are group housed in spacious areas to avoid stress. They walk on a bed of straw. Every rabbit group has access to nesting box, tubes and shelf and natural day light. And of course, hay and water is always available to allow each animal to follow their own rhythm. Fresh branches, seasonal fruit and vegetables from our farm are given frequently to our rabbits. Our rabbits are microchipped to avoid the more invasive ear markings such as tags or tattoos. 

Our lovely rabbits are New Zealand and French lop. They are sweet, calm, cooperative and have a huge appetite - they really eat like horses. Observing them in social groups is captivating.
— Lovisa Hessle Bergman, Founder and Director

Meet our hens

Our  white Leghorn and brown Lohmann lay approximately 300 eggs per year. The hens are held in groups in our aviary facility. Our hens have plenty of space and have access to sand baths, perches, laying nests and natural day light. Of course, food and water is always available to allow each animal to follow their own rhythm. During the warmer months of the year, our hens have access to outdoor areas.

Our graceful hens are curious and quick learners. They run fast and really are reminders of the dinosaurs! The many different sounds of communication and the precision and speed in their pecking movements are truly fascinating.
— Lovisa Hessle Bergman, Founder and Director

Meet our mice

We have BALB/c and our own outbred hybrid strain that we call Ripipin, developed specifically for antibody generation of high diversity. All mouse cages have elevated tops and a running wheel. Apart from food and water, they also receive new nesting material and walnuts/hazelnuts/peanuts/corn/apple every week. We do not advocate single mouse housing.

Our sweet mice are courageous, intelligent and great architects. Their communication between each other, with sounds, postures and tail-movements reveal their intriguing social lives.
— Lovisa Hessle Bergman, Founder and Director

Do you want to see more from the farm? Here are some Greetings from our Animals ››